80 / 100 cm, Oil painting on canvas

1.20 / 2.20 m, Oil painting on canvas

1.30 / 90 m, Oil painting on canvas
The surrealist artist’s canvases come in various sizes
The picturesque paintings of Alexander Mollov, as well as his graphic illustrations, are characterized by the use of symbolic elements, signs, and fairy-tale-like images. Each of his artworks reveals a unique surreal world filled with mystery, enigma and visual elegance. The artist’s canvases are available in various sizes, with each canvas hand-painted with oil paints.

40 / 30 cm, Oil painting on canvas

40 / 30 cm, Oil painting on canvas

80 / 100 cm, Oil painting on canvas
“While strolling through the narrow streets of Nîmes, impressive by the centuries-old architecture and the charm of the Mediterranean atmosphere. This mystical city had occupied my senses and subtly led me to the scene of Feri’Art – an annual contest held in Nîmes. And in that moment, influenced by my experience, I decided to test the power of my creativity and participate in the competition.

To my greatest surprise, I won second place.I came back to Bulgaria with a beautiful medal and every time I look at it, I want to go back to Nîmes. I hope the citywill onceagain take me for a walk along its beautiful Franco-Italianstreets and lead me to a new adventure.”

50 /70 cm, Oil painting on canvas

1.10 / 2.50 m, Oil painting on canvas

50 /70 cm, Oil painting on canvas

80 /1.10 m, Oil painting on canvas

80 / 60 cm, Oil painting on canvas

100 / 70 cm, Oil painting on canvas